Modern slavery statement


This statement sets out 10 Degrees’ actions to understand all potential modern slavery risks related to our business operations and processes, and outlines the steps we have put in place to ensure that no slavery or human trafficking exists, either within our own business or within our supply chain.

This statement relates to actions and operations undertaken during the calendar year 2024 and will be updated annually.

Directors’ statement

We are committed to ensuring that there is no modern slavery or human trafficking in our supply chains or in any part of our business.

10 Degrees aims to ensure fairness in the recruitment, retention and development of all employees and it seeks to comply with all applicable employment legislation.

We seek to provide a work environment where employees are treated with respect, dignity and consideration. We monitor our supply chains and our suppliers to ensure, so far as is possible, that slavery and human trafficking is not taking place within those supply chains.

This statement was approved by the Directors at its meeting on 30th November 2022.


Modern slavery – the exploitation of other people for personal or commercial gain including the trafficking of people, forced labour, servitude and slavery. Children (those aged under 18) are considered victims of trafficking, whether or not they have been coerced, deceived or paid to secure their compliance. They need only have been recruited, transported, received or harboured for the purpose of exploitation.

Human trafficking – the movement of people by force, threat, deception or exploitation, into or through a country.

Our approach

We take a zero-tolerance approach to all human rights abuses, including modern slavery and human trafficking. Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms of all human beings to live independently and without discrimination, regardless of gender, age, nationality, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, colour, caste, neurodiversity or disability.

Please see our Human Rights Policy.

Our operations

We currently operate in the United Kingdom but our work and suppliers have global reach.

We undertake the following due-diligence processes in order to determine whether or not our activities or countries of operation may be considered of high risk in relation to modern slavery or human trafficking:

Identification of high-risk activities

