Grievance and disciplinary policy


A grievance is a concern or problem that a member of the team may raise about their work, working environment or working relationships. Below are some examples of typical grievances:

We encourage you to resolve your grievance informally with your manager before resorting to a formal procedure. Informally means sitting down with them and having a conversation to sort the issues out. 10 Degrees will always seek to resolve issues in the workplace informally first. We operate a grievance process to ensure that matters are resolved as quickly as possible in a fair way.

The formal procedure has two stages:

  1. Individuals should address their grievance in writing to their immediate manager or, where appropriate, the director. The letter will be acknowledged on receipt and a meeting will be arranged without reasonable delay. Employees will be entitled to be accompanied at the hearing by a work colleague. Third parties, such as solicitors, are normally not permitted. Once a decision has been reached, the outcome will be notified to individuals in writing.
  2. Employees who wish to appeal against a grievance decision should inform their manager or the director in writing stating their reasons, within five working days. A meeting will be scheduled and the appeal will be dealt with impartially. Individuals will be entitled to representation as stated in stage one. The outcome of the appeal will be communicated in writing.

Stage two is the end of the procedure and there is no further right of appeal. The decision will be final.

Disciplinary procedure

This is a small organisation and where possible procedures for dealing with issues of capability, conduct or disciplinary matters will be following the principles of good practice. 

Matters of poor performance or capability issues will be addressed in your 1-2-1’s with your line manager and may be dealt with via a performance improvement plans (PIP), if appropriate. A PIP will be communicated in writing with timescales for improvement. If improvement is not met within these timescales then we may give you notice of termination.

The size of the business is likely to preclude the opportunity for consideration of an internal appeal procedure relating to any management decision made. 

We can suspend you for a reasonable length of time in the circumstances, to carry out a disciplinary investigation or if we have another reasonable basis for suspension.

Matters of Gross Misconduct may result in summary dismissal.