Code of ethics


Our code of ethics provides ethical and responsible guidelines that we use to run our company and guide our work with clients, community, our team, and other stakeholders.

If you are a potential client or potential employee researching our agency, this information might also help you better understand what working with or for 10 Degrees is like. 

We have pulled inspiration from organisations we admire and respect to create this code of ethics:

How we use business for good

10 Degrees is committed to using our business as a force for good. Our FuturePlus assessment is an objective, third-party toolkit that ensures our company meets the highest verified standards of social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountability.

Corporate digital responsibility

As a digital organisation, we understand that 10 Degrees is in a unique position to influence how technology and design can be used for good. By adhering to emergent corporate digital responsibility principles, we can positively impact society and the planet in ways that are unique to our industry and business model.

Corporate governance

Ethical corporate governance practices are the cornerstone of our company’s commitment to using business for good. To honour this commitment, 10 Degrees will:


Without a healthy environment, it is impossible to create a just society or shared prosperity for members of that society. Everyone has a responsibility to care for and nurture the planet we call home. This is not a responsibility we take lightly. To honour our ecological commitment, 10 Degrees will:


We greatly value our client relationships. Our clients are, after all, the reason we exist. We commit to working with clients who share our values. We seek out projects that improve social and environmental standards, enhance quality of life, and actively contribute to a better future. We screen prospective clients on a case-by-case basis.

Here is how we incorporate clear ethics into our client relationships:

Privacy and security

To honour stakeholder privacy and the security of systems we design and build, 10 Degrees will:

Collaboration and transparency

To maintain great client relationships that are mutually beneficial and based on trust and transparency, 10 Degrees will:

Systems design and risk

As a small company, we understand that some systems are outside our control. For those where we have agency, we commit to several important systems design practices to maintain adaptability:

Team ethics

Our small team is 10 Degrees’ most valuable asset. Without them, we would cease to exist. We strive to foster an inclusive environment where people can bring their whole selves to work. To prioritise team needs, we commit to the following practices:

JEDI Principles

Justice, equity, diversity, inclusion. We commit to incorporating these principles into all our work.

Quality of life

Quality-of-life is paramount to maintaining a productive, healthy environment and delivering high-quality work. We commit to:


We also acknowledge that in the age of the internet we are part of a global community which offers unique opportunities beyond the geographical constraints of where we operate. 10 Degrees commits to ethical stakeholder community-building in the following ways:

Ethical marketing and advertising

Honesty is our guide in all sales, marketing, and advertising. We will make only complete, factual, and truthful statements about our company and its services. We will also work with our clients to ensure information integrity in the communications and technology which we create on their behalf.

All advertising and marketing claims must be substantiated and must include all information and disclosures necessary to make them accurate and complete.

Grounding evolving work in a clear, ethical foundation

10 Degrees exists in an always evolving industry amidst a constantly shifting cultural and technological landscape. We are an intentionally small agency, committing to growth only when it makes sense for most stakeholders. As such, we can only do what our resources allow while also meeting financial and impact-related goals. 

Grounding everything we do in strong ethical principles helps us navigate uncertainty and chart a clear course through disruption.

We welcome feedback or suggestions to improve our Code of Ethics. Please share your thoughts via [email protected].